So, here's a few goodies to peruse.
Oscar, 1941 at the 1st Fort Dix Horse Show on "Yacqi Jim."

I love this photo---I have to wonder if it might be a wedding photo. Perhaps Jim knows.
This is John Gibbs, Madge's dad. Maybe about 1910. He died of influenza, according to the notes Madge left, because he was a sheriff and was checking on folks in the flu epidemic. Don't know if that's the case, but he did die young.

This is Virinda Ann Hammond Hinkle Elstwick, Oscar's Mom, in 1942. She remarried after Oscar's father passed away.

Cleopatra "Chloe" Gilpin Gibbs. This photo was on a postcard, and I'm guessing that it was taken shortly before her marriage, perhaps shortly thereafter. Don't you love that hat and the big gold locket. She must have been fond of it, for it shows up in several photos of her through the years.

So---there's a very (VERY) small start. Enjoy!